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English Blog Post

David Ruiz

The new English Blog.

The following compilation of articles is an overview of how students from the Engineering Faculty may express their opinions regarding a specific context. Thus, English 3 students have developed an article after following a guided writing strategy.

Colombian food

Darcy Rodriguez April 26, 2019

Colombia is currently one of the most recognized countries in the world, for its culture, its events, its traditions, its ecosystems and…

Is Colombia a place worth knowing?

Javier Esteban Puentes April 26, 2019

For several years’ people have wondered if Colombia is a good place to visit, what makes Colombia an attractive place for a tourist, and how…

Bogotá a city of leisure?

Santiago Parra Rozo April 02, 2019

Bogota is a great city that has 8million inhabitants, of which a large number are young, many study, others work, some do both, and others…

How did that happen?

Carlos Daniel Diaz Soler April 02, 2019

The human being always has uncertainty, mystery, unknowns about facts that have passed and maybe can occur, no matter their relation or…

How will Colombia be in ten years?

Yairi Daniela Vera Vesga April 02, 2019

Colombia is the country of the pleasant heart, where everything happens and nothing happens, basically it is a submissive state, which is…

How have eating habits in Colombia changed?

Jorfrey Villafañe April 02, 2019

Food as well as being a necessity is a habit, and it is said that the person can do good or bad, it is already in his decision. It is…

Are you a culture vulture or a party animal?

Ana María Celis Ariza April 02, 2019

These two are considered cultures or for other routines. Normally they are for young people. If you like to read, listen to classical music…

Is Colombia a place worth knowing?

Wilson Santiago Rodriguez Cortes April 02, 2019

Colombia is located in a strategic site, this is in the heart of the American continent, it is a country rich in nature and biodiversity…


Manuel Ardila April 02, 2019

My article addresses the issues that interest me the most. And I think they have had a great social impact on history because thanks to…

Tesla pays anyone who can hack their tesla 3 model

Wilson David Martinez April 02, 2019

The Tesla cars are 100% electric and their functions are controlled by intelligent alarm systems, doors, GPS and autopilot are examples of…

What activities make you happy

Francy Bareño April 02, 2019

The activities that make me happy are skating, walking in nature, dancing and swimming. I like to walking because it reduces the stress of a…

The wonderful world of sports

Santiago Jose Villegas April 02, 2019

In this article, we will talk about different sports and the reasons that lead a person to practice a sport, for either fun or wanting to…

What are the most common jobs in Colombia?

Jose Augusto April 02, 2019

In this article, I’m gonna show what are the most popular jobs in Colombia, regarding different bases to develop this article. for example…

What are you waiting for to take advantage of your free time?

Saray Bautista April 02, 2019

Free time is a privilege that many people do not have, is a time in which one can find oneself, doing different things from their day to day…

What did he say?

Santiago Quiroga Torres April 02, 2019

I´m writing on how the people saw their life during talking on it. The people’s advising on their experiences it’s how they achieved a life…

What are the secrets of a healthy life?

Juan Carlos Guiza Rodriguez April 02, 2019

One believes that to have a healthy life you must do only exercise and now, but this is not the case, there are many factors involved, I set…

What are the most exciting or extreme activities you have ever done?

Julian Andres Cortes April 01, 2019

The most extreme experience that I have lived was on a trip that I made to a park which within its attractions was that of boating, I had…

What I need to know about JavaScript

David Ruiz February 01, 2019

We need to know some things that are very important about JS. Well, first I’m going to tell you that JavaScript it’s a mono-thread…

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