English Blog Post

Tesla pays anyone who can hack their tesla 3 model

April 02, 2019 by: Wilson David Martinez


The Tesla cars are 100% electric and their functions are controlled by intelligent alarm systems, doors, GPS and autopilot are examples of the things that characterize these vehicles.

If someone who owns the car accesses these systems is serious, could do anything even if the car crashes, that is why Tesla, the company created by Elon Musk must take very seriously the security, in previous years presumably someone managed to break the security system of a tesla model S, and caused an incident in 2015, causing the send off some workers. Since then Tesla has invested a lot of money and time in having an unbreakable security, has made several campaigns of cyber security, and has summoned engineers from all over the world to make their cars safer.

In January of 2019 tesla launched a proposal to the media where it consists, that anyone who can hack the computer of a model 3 Tesla; Tesla can pay up large sums of money, prizes that are between 35,000 dollars to 250000 dollars, depending on the number of functions that manages to hack, and depending on the importance of each of this, from the door block system or also pull away the car without the keys, the autopilot system or the VCSEC.

If the person or group of people is among the first to achieve it, not only will they take large sums of money, the company will also give them a Tesla model 3. We must also say that on March 29, two young people found an error in the web system of the cars, allowing them to show messages on the screen of the vehicles, Tesla recognized this error and paid them 35,000 dollars, gave them a tesla model 3 and I also announce that they hurry along with send a correction to the software of the cars to eliminate that error, as a type of update, taking advantage of this event Tesla returned to ratify its proposal to any person that can hack its security and they affirm that this turns them into a company that he learns from his mistakes and that they plan to back up strengthen security more and more, they are committed to get along the protection of his clients. Currently there are a lot of young people studying and researching this model and the previous ones to be one of the winners of this proposal.

With this we conclude that the cars were designed not only for the purpose of comfort, luxury and environmentally sustainable, but also the safety of tesla is a priority. every accident, problem, and damage to the tesla cars is a bad name that this company is not willing to tolerate, the cars were launched to the market with the purpose that these are a symbol of technology and reliability of the company.

David Ruiz

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