English Blog Post

The wonderful world of sports

April 02, 2019 by: Santiago Jose Villegas

In this article, we will talk about different sports and the reasons that lead a person to practice a sport, for either fun or wanting to compete. There are many types of sports, so we don’t focus on 2 categories, competitive (physically) and extreme.

Sports are activities with which most people have a strong bond, almost all feel an affinity towards one and want to perform these activities or see people who develop professionally in these sports. What feelings do sports produce? This may be the question of the reasons why sports are divided into extreme and competitive. Next, each type of sport will be evaluated.


Most people are interested in these sports, for this reason, there are different competitions in which all countries of the world can participate, for example, the world cup in which the most popular sport in the world is played … soccer, or the Olympic Games, which is the competition that gathers the most countries to evaluate them in different competitions. So, to speak, competitive sports generate a lot of emotions, for example, happiness, sadness, anxiety, emotion, etc. These sports and their competences can help a person to develop in different aspects. As a personal experience, I can affirm that thanks to soccer I have great friendships, I have experienced both victory and defeat, I have embraced with a stranger when shouting a goal, and surely there are countless people with their own experience and anecdotes. Count, all because these sports generate endless reactions in people.

Five reasons to perform a competitive sport:

  1. Meet people and build relationships that can last a lifetime.
  2. Experience victory.
  3. Compete with different people.
  4. Lead a healthy life.
  5. Develop as a person.

Illustration 1


We can’t affirm that these sports can be done by all people due to the conditions that some people suppose. Fear, physical conditions, sites, all these are some of the buts that can be presented at the time of wanting to perform one of these extreme sports. For example, some people are afraid of roller coasters, an activity that can’t be compared to any extreme sport, we could say that this can only be done by a select group of people, the emotions that these sports can produce can be too strong so only the brave will be those who seek them. Some of these sports are: jumping from an airplane, diving, climbing and so on. As we see are sports that go hand in hand with death, we do not want to affirm that the chances of dying are high, only that there is a risk if we do not have the appropriate security elements. The adrenaline generated by these sports can be very large and therefore unique in its class, as far as its beloved author has always wanted to jump from an airplane, so read it in other places seems to be unique and hard to forget activity.

three reasons to practice some extreme sport:

  1. Know the adrenaline.
  2. Know new places.
  3. Share what you have lived with others.

Illustration 2

Sport is something necessary in people’s lives, emotions are difficult to forget, although in this text we divide the sport into 2 parts does not mean that a person has to choose only one of these, in conclusion, we want to recommend living the sport in some way, either by practicing it or by sharing it with others by supporting professional competencies.

In the end, the most important thing to do sports is to live unforgettable experiences, with competitive sports, we can forge important relationships, experience different emotions, and there will always be anecdotes to tell. With extreme sports, the same thing happens, incredible things are lived that we can tell others. In both branches of sport, there are satisfied with seeing other people and it is an excellent way to experience sports, so what is the goal of doing sports? The answer is to have fun.

Illustration 3

David Ruiz

The new English Blog.

The following compilation of articles is an overview of how students from the Engineering Faculty may express their opinions regarding a specific context. Thus, English 3 students have developed an article after following a guided writing strategy.