English Blog Post

What are you waiting for to take advantage of your free time?

April 02, 2019 by: Saray Bautista

Free time is a privilege that many people do not have, is a time in which one can find oneself, doing different things from their day to day and what they like and in turn can discover new things that can serve our lives.


  1. Look for yourself
  2. You have your free time, a productive time for your life
  3. Your pending work forward so you’re not hanging at the last minute
  4. If there is some topic that catches your attention, it investigates this
  5. If you like to dance, enter a Dance Academy to improve those skills
  6. You exercise, good health is to lead a good life
  7. Looking for new friends who think about their future and not bad to spend their time on things undue

We realize that nowadays, we tend to make activities without any benefit in the free time in a very frequent way;For example, to be drinking, dancing, sleeping, social networks, video games, among others, are activities that certainly do not generate something productive, and that is proving scientifically that generate different damages at the social, psychological, physical and Bless you.

For this reason, it is important that we sit down to think about how we are using our free time, for better or for worse? The time is something that happens and now cannot retrieve.

You used to get out of the routine, as a pause active at work or a break in the middle of the class, is not impossible! It is to have will-power.

You can exercise yourself, if you don’t like are the Protocol to a gym you can look on the internet exercises from home; travel, all we like to travel can save to make the journey as you want; you spend time with this friend that does not see so much; Discover new things that are perhaps liking you.

Although It seems to lie this is possible, but it is necessary a very good willpower, because for no one is a secret that eliminating bad habits is a task too complex, but hey, not everything is bad, not enough but start to implement good Activities, and start advising them, tell them about the importance of taking advantage of this time, what would happen if you fail to change these habits, how you can see your life, your relationships, how you can improve these two areas for good.

David Ruiz

The new English Blog.

The following compilation of articles is an overview of how students from the Engineering Faculty may express their opinions regarding a specific context. Thus, English 3 students have developed an article after following a guided writing strategy.